Urban Nature in Copenhagen 2015–2025 is an ambitious political decision. With this strategy, city of Copenhagen has an ambitious policy that defines the specific effects, goals, efforts and conditions that they need to implement in order to achieve our common visions:

  • Creating more urban nature in Copenhagen
  • Enhancing the quality of the urban nature in Copenhagen.

The green planning tool is a key part of implementing the strategy via tangible actions in public construction projects and in local development plans.

The tool calculates a “green factor” for each project site, which quantifies both the scope and quality of the urban nature on it.

The scope of urban nature constitutes the total area of grass surfaces, permeable surfaces, water surfaces, flower beds, hedges, trees, bushes, green roofs and green façades on the project site.

The quality is defined by four factors: uniqueness, climate adaptation, biodiversity and recreation.​ The strategy also prioritises community-led greening projects such as urban gardens in areas lacking green spaces.

The green planning tool helps the City of Copenhagen systematically incorporate more and better urban nature into public construction projects and local development plans.

More information:

Urban nature in Copenhagen 2015–2025