Innovative Funding Schemes Good Practices
Turning waste into heat _ Heat generation from biomass Composting biomass can produce biogas, which can be fed into a CHP
The City of Venice with its very large territory and its unique ecosystem, is particularly concerned by global warming, sea-level
The French region of Brittany began working on developing its own green budgeting process at the end of 2020. These
Lower Saxony. Nine properties, including the town hall, several schools and a kindergarten, were combined in Hude to form a
With more than 60 measures, the small town of Sehnde is reducing energy consumption costs with energy-saving contracting in eleven
The Almada Less Carbon Climate Fund was launched in 2009 as part of the city’s climate strategy aimed to consolidate
Gent aims to realise more green spaces in response to climate change and actively seeks citizen participation to achieve this.
Since 2020 LCBs have matured and standardised; are funding a broader mix of green projects, while maintaining the financial benefit
In the publication Energy Communities _ A brief explainer for managing authorities in central and eastern Europe published by CEE
In the policy brief EMPOWERING CITIZENS FOR ENERGY COMMUNITIES | INTERREG EUROPE – Sharing solutions for better policy seven good
The Netherlands is particularly vulnerable to a number of climate change impacts. Due to this, larger volumes of water are
Bilbao is located in the Nerbioi valley in the north of Spain through which the Nerbioi River flows, influenced by