TRIBUTE – Integrated and Innovative actions for sustainable Urban mobility upgrade

PROJECT PARTNERS: Politecnico di Milano, Municipality of Milan, City of Ljubljana, City of Maribor, City of Zagreb, Municipality of Patras, City of Novi Sad, City of Sarajevo, Capital City Podgorica



TOTAL BUDGET: EUR 3.269.400,00

CO-FINANCING: EUR 2.778.990,00

PROJECT DURATION: January 1, 2021 – June 30, 2023

City transport is facing challenges posed by the rapid diffusion of new technologies and by occurring socioeconomic and demographic changes. The Interreg ADRION project TRIBUTE („inTegRated and Innovative actions for sustainaBle Urban mobiliTy upgrade“) aims to face such challenges by seeking for efficient solutions and mobility services tailored to citizens’ behaviors and needs.

The main goal of the project is to improve city transport by developing more efficient transport services and sustainable mobility solutions tailored to peoples’ needs. TRIBUTE includes the identification of target groups, external conditions and technical requirements, needed to enable the inclusive use of innovative mobility solutions. Finally, an agreement on a Joint Transnational Strategy for Sustainable and Innovative Mobility in the Cities of the Adriatic-Ionian Region is envisaged.

Innovative methods and tools, such as Living Lab, will be adopted to implement pilot actions to promote sustainable mobility in the following 8 partner cities in the project: Ljubljana (SL), Maribor (SL), Milan (IT), Novi Sad (RS), Patras (GR), Podgorica (CG), Sarajevo (BiH) and Zagreb (CRO). By identifying and involving key stakeholders in the public, entrepreneurial and academic spectrum, as well as the citizens themselves, TRIBUTE will promote public transport and active modes of travel and at the same time reduce individual transport and car ownership in the cities of the Adriatic-Ionian region.

In accordance with the project goals the City of Maribor will focus on improvements of pedestrian traffic and the development of Green Safe Cycle Routes (GSCR) or a network of routs suitable for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children (slow mobility, along the Drava river) in connection with pedestrian zones as pilot actions to increase sustainable and safe mobility and to promote the use of e-vehicles and accessibility for the elderly. Experimental arrangements, different vehicles and equipment for vulnerable groups will be tested at pilot locations or in controlled and safe environment. In the pilot locations and others, Mobility Virtual Reality stations as part of Living Laboratories will be used for educational, prevention and awareness raising purposes on safe Slow Mobility specially focused on vulnerable groups needs and particularities, like elderly and children. Workshops will be organised in the framework of living laboratories. At the EU Mobility Week or other occations communication and awareness events will be organized.

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